Integrated Neurology Services

Neurology & Sleep Specialists Located in Northern Virginia, Alexandria, VA, Old Alexandria, VA, Lorton, VA, & Falls Church, VA

Before new medications and treatments are made available to the public, they must first undergo extensive testing. Clinical research includes scientific studies aimed at finding better ways to treat disease and illness using carefully selected volunteer participants. Dedicated to providing the most innovative and advanced treatments available, the team of specialists at Integrated Neurology Services participate in clinical research and regularly recruit participants from their Northern Virginia locations in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Lorton, also serving the Vienna, VA, community. To learn more about the clinical research studies available, call the office nearest you or request an appointment through the online booking tool.

Clinical Research Q & A

What is clinical research?

Clinical research refers to medical research and studies that include people. There are two types of clinical research:

Observational studies 

Observational studies focus on gathering information by observing you in your normal setting. These studies collect information through health records, questionnaires, or specific tests. The information may then be used to start a new clinical trial.

Clinical trials

Clinical trials include the testing of various medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions on people. Clinical trials are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness and safety of a new treatment. They also help identify new techniques for diagnosing diseases, as well as research ways to make life better for people living with a chronic disease. 

What are the phases of a clinical trial?

Before any clinical trials begin, researchers must first conduct lab and animal testing of the drug, procedure, or intervention to test the effectiveness, as well as safety. The FDA determines if the researchers can advance their research to human clinical trials based on the results of the lab testing. 

Clinical trials go through four phases to test safety, effectiveness, side effects, and dosage (for medication clinical trials). If researchers find a treatment safe and effective at phase III of the clinical trials, the FDA approves the treatment. Phase IV clinical trials are conducted after approval and focus on continued monitoring of the treatment for safety and effectiveness. 

How can I participate in clinical research?

Integrated Neurology Services participates in several clinical research studies. Each study has specific criteria that determines your eligibility for participation. Some of the clinical research studies being conducted at Integrated Neurology Services include:

To learn more about clinical research at Integrated Neurology Services, email

Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials

Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Fenebrutinib Compared With Teriflunomide In Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (RMS) (FENhance)

Brief Summary:

A study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of fenebrutinib on disability progression and relapse rate in adult participants with RMS. Eligible participants will be randomized 1:1 to either fenebrutinib or teriflunomide. Open-Label Extension (OLE) phase is contingent on a positive benefit-risk result in the Primary Analysis of the study.

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A Multicenter Study of Continued Current Therapy vs Transition to Ofatumumab After Neurofilament (NfL) Elevation (SOSTOS)

Brief Summary:

This is a multicenter, prospective study of up to 150 relapsing-remitting MS participants/ The study is looking to see if patients who have not had a relapse in the past year would benefit from switching to ofatumumab.

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A Study of Suboptimally Controlled Participants Previously Taking Oral or Infusion DMDs for RMS (MASTER-2)

Brief Summary:

To evaluate the effectiveness, safety and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) of cladribine tablets in participants with RMS including relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (aSPMS), who transition to cladribine tablets after suboptimal response to any oral or infusion Disease-Modifying Drugs (DMDs) approved in the United States (US) for RMS in a real-world-setting.

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Alzheimer’s /Memory Trials

A Research Study Investigating Semaglutide in People With Early Alzheimer's Disease (EVOKE)

Brief Summary:

This study is done to find out whether the medicine, semaglutide, has a positive effect on early Alzheimer's disease.

Participants will either get semaglutide or placebo (a "dummy" medicine which does not contain any study medicine) - which treatment participants get is decided by an equal chance.

Participants must have a study partner, who is willing to take part in the study.

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New IDEAS: Imaging Dementia-Evidence for Amyloid Scanning Study

New IDEAS is a nationwide research study for people who have memory loss. The study is looking at a type of FDA-approved brain imaging called an amyloid PET scan. It is a safe, non-invasive test that takes pictures of your brain.

New IDEAS is trying to find out if your PET scan results help guide your doctor in diagnosing and treating your memory condition. We want to see if this leads to better health for you.

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A Research Study Investigating Semaglutide in People With Early Alzheimer's Disease (EVOKE Plus)


Brief Summary:

This study is done to find out whether the medicine, semaglutide, has a positive effect on early Alzheimer's disease.

Participants will either get semaglutide or placebo (a "dummy" medicine which does not contain any study medicine) - which treatment participants get is decided by an equal chance.

Participants must have a study partner, who is willing to take part in the study.

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Preventive TReatment of mIgraine: oUtcoMes for Patients in real-world Healthcare systems (TRIUMPH)

Non-Interventional Phase 4 Study

The primary objective of this multi-country noninterventional study is to compare the effectiveness of galcanezumab to oral migraine preventive standard of care overall in adult patients with migraine who are switching or initiating preventive treatment in clinical practice settings.


A Long-Term, Prospective, Observational Study to Evaluate the Safety, Including

Cardiovascular Safety, of Fremanezumab in Patients with Migraine in Routine Clinical Practice

Non-Interventional Phase 4 Study




Study of BOTOX Injections to Assess Change in Disease Symptoms in Adult Participants With Upper Limb Essential Tremor


Brief Summary:

Upper limb essential tremor (UL ET) is a movement disorder characterized by postural and/or kinetic tremor. It can cause difficulty with everyday tasks such as writing, pouring, and eating, and patients also experience associated social embarrassment. This study will assess how safe and effective BOTOX is in treating UL ET. Adverse events and change in disease activity will be evaluated.

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