Integrated Neurology Services

Neurology Specialists & Sleep Specialists located in Alexandria, VA & Lorton, VA

If you struggle to enjoy life to the fullest because of obsessions or compulsions, rely on the trusted providers at Integrated Neurology Services. Located in Northern Virginia in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Lorton, and serving the Vienna, Virginia, community, the specialists can diagnose and treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to help you thrive at work, school, and relationships. Call the office nearest you to schedule an appointment or book online today.

What is OCD?

OCD, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a condition in which unwanted fears and thoughts cause you to complete repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Obsessions and compulsions can cause you distress and interfere with everyday activities, including work, school, and relationships. Treatment can reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

Common signs and symptoms of OCD include:

  • Persistent, unwanted thoughts or urges
  • Intrusive thoughts or images
  • Anxiety, depression, or distress
  • Compulsive rituals
  • Fear of germs or dirt
  • Needing symmetry and order
  • Difficulty tolerating uncertainty
  • Horrific or unwanted thoughts
  • Not shaking hands because of germs
  • Not touching door handles because of germs
  • Double and triple-checking doors or ovens
  • Distress when things aren’t in order
  • Unpleasant sexual images
  • Persistent hand washing
  • Constant cleaning or orderliness

Complications that can develop because of OCD include excessive time spent on ritualistic behaviors, health problems, relationship or work troubles, suicidal thoughts or behaviors, and a poor quality of life.

What are the risk factors for OCD?

Factors that increase your risk of OCD include a family history of OCD, stressful or traumatic life events, and other mental health disorders. While there’s no way to prevent OCD if you’re prone to it, seeking treatment as soon as you suspect you have OCD helps you live a normal life and reduces the risk of worsening symptoms. 

How does my provider diagnose OCD?

To diagnose OCD and develop a treatment plan, your Integrated Premier Group Specialty provider completes a psychological evaluation. They discuss your thoughts, symptoms, feelings, and behavior patterns and complete a physical exam to detect or rule out underlying problems.

What are common treatments for OCD?

Common treatments for OCD include:

Counseling (psychotherapy)

During counseling sessions, or psychotherapy, your provider may use cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques or exposure therapy to reduce fears, obsessions, and compulsions.


Taking certain medicines can help you better control compulsions and obsessions linked with OCD, giving you a better quality of life.

Don’t live with debilitating OCD symptoms that negatively affect your quality of life. Call the Integrated Neurology Services office to schedule an evaluation or book an appointment online today.