IV Ketamine
Integrated Neurology Services
Neurology Specialists & Sleep Specialists located in Alexandria, VA & Lorton, VA
If you suffer from neurological pain conditions, depression, migraines, ADHD, or bipolar disorder, consider the numerous benefits of IV ketamine therapy. The expert board-certified neurologists at Integrated Neurology Services, with locations across Northern Virginia in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Lorton, and serving the Vienna, Virginia, area administer safe and effective ketamine infusions for a range of conditions. Call today to schedule a consultation, or use the online option to request an appointment.
What is IV ketamine?
IV ketamine therapy is a fast-acting treatment that involves delivering a controlled dose of a medication called ketamine directly into your bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) infusion. Ketamine was initially used as an anesthetic but is showing great promise by promoting brain plasticity and reducing pain signals.
The neurology experts at Integrated Neurology Services use IV ketamine for:
- Back pain
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Neck pain
- Joint pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Anxiety
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Ketamine therapy is also helpful for treatment-resistant depression and other symptoms of bipolar disorder.
How does IV ketamine work to improve my condition?
Ketamine works differently than the usual neurological medications. Instead of targeting serotonin or dopamine as antidepressants do, it affects NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in your brain that help regulate your brain activity.
Typically, glutamate, a neurotransmitter, turns on your NMDA receptors to increase alertness. Ketamine works by blocking glutamate from switching the NMDA receptors on, leading to a stabilizing and calming effect that helps reduce pain signals and vastly improve mood and depression symptoms.
What can I expect during an IV ketamine infusion?
When you arrive at the nearest Integrated Neurology Services location, the team leads you to a quiet infusion suite where you sit in a comfortable recliner and lean back. Your provider gently inserts the IV line into your vein. The infusion typically takes 40-60 minutes.
During the procedure, you may feel relaxed, lightheaded, or like you’re floating. After the infusion, the team monitors you for mild side effects like dizziness, elevated blood pressure, and nausea and checks your vitals periodically as the drug wears off.
You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home and plan to take the rest of the day off from work or school.
How soon will I feel the effects of IV ketamine infusion?
You will begin to feel the benefits of IV ketamine infusion within a few hours after treatment. You’ll likely need a series of infusions spread out over weeks and months to optimize the outcome. Your ketamine specialist talks with you about your unique needs and crafts an infusion schedule so you’ll know what to expect.
Ready to learn more about how IV ketamine can help you get your life back? Call one of the four locations at your convenience or request an appointment online.
Services & Conditions
Sleep Disordersmore info
Infusion Suitemore info
Migrainemore info
Clinical Researchmore info
Neuropathymore info
Dementiamore info
Strokemore info
Movement Disordersmore info
Parkinson's Diseasemore info
Multiple Sclerosismore info
Botoxmore info
Neuromuscular Diseasemore info
Cerebral Palsymore info
EEGmore info
EMGmore info
Epilepsymore info
Autoimmune Disordersmore info
Pain Managementmore info
Concussionmore info
Dizzinessmore info
Spasticitymore info
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)more info
Psychiatrymore info
Depressionmore info
NADH infusionsmore info
Anxietymore info
IV Ketaminemore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
OCDmore info
ADHDmore info
Vitamin Infusionsmore info
PTSDmore info