Integrated Neurology Services
Neurology & Sleep Specialists Located in Northern Virginia, Alexandria, VA, Old Alexandria, VA, Lorton, VA, & Falls Church, VA
A concussion is a dangerous traumatic brain injury that requires careful evaluation and treatment. The board-certified neurologists at Integrated Neurology Services diagnose and treat concussions at clinics located across Northern Virginia in Alexandria, Falls Church, and Lorton, also serving the Vienna, VA, community. If you’ve had a head injury and are concerned about a concussion, call Integrated Neurology Services or schedule a consultation online today.
Concussion Q & A
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs when a blow to your head causes your brain to move back and forth and crash against the inside of your skull. The impact triggers chemical changes in your brain and can damage your brain cells. While concussions aren’t usually life-threatening, they can still have severe effects on your brain health.
People who play contact sports like football, hockey, lacrosse, and soccer are most likely to have a concussion at some point during their lives. You can also get a concussion during an automobile accident, a slip-and-fall accident, or a personal assault. Your risk of having a concussion also increases if you’ve had a concussion in the past.
What are the warning signs of a concussion?
Concussion symptoms can emerge right away, or they might develop gradually in the days following your injury. Some of the common warning signs of a concussion include:
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Insomnia
- Mood changes
- Sensitivity to light and sound
If you think you have a concussion, contact the team at Integrated Neurology Services right away to schedule an evaluation and get the treatment you need to help your brain heal.
When untreated, concussion symptoms can last for weeks or even months. You also increase your risk of having a second injury before your brain recovers, which can have devastating effects.
How is a concussion diagnosed?
The team at Integrated Neurology Services provides comprehensive exams to evaluate and diagnose concussions. They use neurological tests to assess your vision, hearing, strength, balance, and reflexes. Your doctor also checks your memory, concentration, and other cognitive skills. They might also order an imaging study like a CT scan or MRI to look for changes in your brain.
How is a concussion treated?
After evaluating your condition, your doctor provides a customized treatment plan. In most cases, physical and mental rest are the critical components of recovery. They might also prescribe medication to reduce your symptoms while you recover.
You have regular appointments so your doctor can monitor your recovery. You shouldn’t return to training or competing in a sport until your doctor says that it’s safe.
Call Integrated Neurology Services or make an appointment online today for expert treatment for concussions.
Services & Conditions
Sleep Disordersmore info
Infusion Suitemore info
Migrainemore info
Clinical Researchmore info
Neuropathymore info
Dementiamore info
Strokemore info
Movement Disordersmore info
Parkinson's Diseasemore info
Multiple Sclerosismore info
Botoxmore info
Neuromuscular Diseasemore info
Cerebral Palsymore info
EEGmore info
EMGmore info
Epilepsymore info
Autoimmune Disordersmore info
Pain Managementmore info
Concussionmore info
Dizzinessmore info
Spasticitymore info
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)more info
Psychiatrymore info
Depressionmore info
NADH infusionsmore info
Anxietymore info
IV Ketaminemore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
OCDmore info
ADHDmore info
Vitamin Infusionsmore info
PTSDmore info